
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Episode 29 ”What has Changed?”
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
EPISODE 29 comes out of NOWHERE! After an 18 month hiatus! What took so long??? Yes, the boys are back, and honestly they didn't know if that would happen but they decided to dive back into the podcast game! We hope you will tune in going forward. The guys start out with a light-hearted conversation about some of the things that have CHANGED in the last 18 months in their lives. They then move to talk about some of WHAT HAS CHANGED over the last 30 years when it comes to church, culture, ministry, etc. The guys bring over 81 years of combined ministry experience to the table for a lively look at the one constant, CHANGE.
Post-Christian Pastors is just three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more
On this episode we talk simply about CHANGE. We tried to keep it light after the long hiatus, and in a way reacquaint ourselves with the audience and simply share some of what we have seen CHANGE since we started ministry. We hope you will enjoy the discussion, laugh a little and be challenged, and inspired by something.
This episode features discussion about:
9/11, Cobra Kai, TV shows, Dragons, New Jobs, Dateline, Heinz Field, Yellowstone, Hey Dude Shoes, 80's Church, 5K's, Community, Youth Club Sports, Church in PJ's, Introverts, First Cars, Excellence, Tiger King, Fringe Culture, Online Church, Gamers, Cheap Gas, Technology, Video Editing Suites, Teen Drivers, Just Showing Up to Church and much more.
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Friday Mar 05, 2021
Episode 28 "Following Jesus in an Age of Unreality"
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
EPISODE 28 is here to keep your ears warm! The boys are trudging thru a long cold winter in Pittsburgh! The conversation is great and the topic is right on track.
Post-Christian Pastors is just three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more
On this episode we talk about UNREALITY or making up your own REALITY, living YOUR TRUTH! How do we as Christians hold to TRUTH when truth is whatever you want it to be? This is a short conversation that could have gone on for hours but we will hopefully spur you on to think for yourself and consider how you can be part of the solution.
The podcast features discussion about:
John Wesley and John Calvin, Valentine's Day, Greenland, Cladded Cream, Oakmont Bakery, Empire State Building, Speak Your Truth, sexual ethics, loneliness, Romans 1, wisdom, Pontius Pilate, Vincent Norman Peale, Failure, Repentance, Childhood Culture, The Matrix, Yoda, Westminster Confession of Faith, Ten Commandments, Socialism, Christian alternative, Prophecy from year 2000, Flat Earth Believers, Athens, 30,000 idols, and telling a better story.
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Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Episode 27 "Lost in America: Part #5 The Way Back Home"
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
EPISODE 27 is served up hot and fresh out of the oven! The boys are back in 2021 in the dead of winter to warm you up! The conversation is great and the topic is right on track.
Post-Christian Pastors is just three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more
On this episode we wrap up our series "Lost in America" by asking the question "How do we find our way back HOME" Back to Civility, Unity and a sense of being the United States. Is that even possible? Or are we headed for a split as a country? What part does God play in our future? And is He the missing piece? Has he turned us over to our own devices and we are getting what we want? This is a short conversation that could have gone on for hours but we will hopefully spur you on to think for yourself and consider how you can be part of the solution.
Joining us today as a fill-in (For Mike of course)as a cohost/guest is:
David Hardie. Dave is a pastor, speaker, graphic designer and owner of Hardie Wear. David J Hardie has been designing T-Shirts since 1999. From the humble beginnings of hand illustrating designs during High School, to becoming the screen printing manager/graphic designer at a local screen printing shop for six years. David launched his own apparel design company and has been printing hundreds of thousands of items over the years for large conferences such as the LIFE Conference for the CMA and working with various high school, colleges and entities creating various logos, branding and identity guides and even creating entire clothing lines for different entities. He has spoken for hundreds of events, camps, conferences retreats, and training sessions
He is married to Tara and has three kids.
The podcast features discussion about:
Tom Brady, Greatest incomplete pass in history, ejecting people from Summer camp, running a business in a Pandemic, Minnesota, Prophecy, Event T-Shirts, SoundCloud Rappers, Drawing Bling, Legion, NFL, Manna, Jon's 10 year anniversary at his church, Election, Siege of the Capitol, Viking warlords, Jeep Commercial, Bruce Springsteen, Facebook reactions, Chapel in Kansas, Christian Nationalism, Pluralism, Transformation, Respect, MetalHeads, Stryper, Civil War, Russia, Marginalized people, Selective memory, nihilism, Black Lives Matter, Kingdom without the King and much more.
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Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Episode 26 "Lost in America: Part #4 Lost in the Bible"
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
EPISODE 26 Arrives right now! The boys are back to bring in 2021 PROPER! Wow! we had a lot of fun with this episode, we did a lot of laughing and there is plenty of great meaningful conversation.
Post-Christian Pastors is just three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more
On this episode we jump into the Bible. So many people have LOST the Bible in their lives. They are confused by it, have no idea where to start, never read it, think it is irrelevant or even down right EVIL! Maybe you think that to or work with people that do. We will discuss all things BIBLE and look at some of the more difficult parts of the Bible, you know the ones they don't make into bumper stickers or pillows.
In order to do this the guys welcome one of the top Christian writers and pastors in the country to the podcast.
Dan Kimball is a pastor, teacher and author of the brand new book How (Not) to Read the Bible: Making Sense of the Anti-women, Anti-science, Pro-violence, Pro-slavery and Other Crazy-Sounding Parts of Scripture.
Dan is the author of several books on leadership, church, and culture. He was one of the founders of Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, California where he still serves on staff. He is also a faculty member at Western Seminary and leads the ReGeneration Project, which exists to equip and encourage new generations to think theologically and participate in the mission of the church. He has a master’s degree from Western Seminary and a doctorate degree from George Fox University. He enjoys comic art, punk and rockabilly music, big band jazz, pre-1960 gospel roots music, Ford Mustangs, bowling, Sun Records and 1930’s though 50’s Universal Monster Movies.
He is married to Becky and has two daughters, Katie and Claire.
The podcast features discussion about:
Cleveland Browns, Altar Boyz, Fauci, NFL playoffs, Incarnation, Keith Moon, Engaging Scripture, Shrimp, God-Breathed, X-Files, Felt Need Sermons, S.O.A.P, Deconversions, Unicorns, Noah, Comics, Amen & Awoman, Genocide, Eagels of Death, Apologetics, Duct Tape Bible, Memes, Drunk Conversions, Bowling Shoes, Ripping up the Bible, Old Lady Heckler, Talking Snakes, Scripture Narrative, Dangerous Bible, Jeffrey Dahmer, 8 Tracks, Ripping up the Bible, Covid Free Ohio, Bernie Kosar and of course Jesus.
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Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Episode 25 "Lost in America: Part #3 Finding the Exiles"
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
EPISODE 25 Arrives right now! The boys are back to bring some great conversation to your eardrums and soul.
Three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more
Welcome to Post Christian Pastors! On this episode we go in search of a generation of spiritual exiles, nomads and prodigals. A generation of people that the church has largely LOST. Do you pastor, parent, mentor or work with the next generation? Are you a Millennial or Gen Y, Z'er or whatever? How do we reach them for Christ? How do we reach 18-29 year olds who have left the church or where never there in the first place? These are all questions that parents, pastors and other Christians are asking. The guys have a great conversation with one of the people in the country who has spent hours researching the data, and searching for answers.
They welcome Mark Matlock to the podcast. Mark is co-author of the pivotal book Faith for Exiles: Five Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon, with Barna Group President David Kinnaman. It is ground breaking research into the 18-29 generation and ranked as one of 2019's best books.
Mark is a regular presenter and workshop facilitator for Barna where he facilitates training and on-site application of research findings.
He is the founder of Wisdom Works and is the former Executive Director of Youth Specialties and he also has some awesome history with Mercy Me.
Mark is the author of more than 20 books for teens and parents, an ordained minister, certified LifePlanner, LEGO Serious Play facilitator, and MCORE trainer and coach.
He’s been married for 27 years to his wife Jade. They have two adult children.
The podcast features discussion about
"Dream" jobs, Hee-Haw, Flight Attendants, Digital Babylon, Shady Maple Buffet, Mercy Me, Living in disruption, epic trust, dodge ball, Middle School overnights, Whiteheart, "Nones", The 10%, Jaws ride, Amish Country, UPS shorts, Big House, Leaning into God, Daniel, Mt. Saint Helens, Esther, Big House, Legos, exiles, Mercy Me, Amish country, being Good News and much more.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Episode 24 "People, Pastoring, Politics and Parenting in a Pandemic"
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
EPISODE 24 Drops! The boys are back to bring some great conversation to your eardrums.
Three pastors (well a bunch this week) discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more
Welcome to Post Christian Pastors! On this episode we bring you a plethora of topics with a panel of pastors. Mark & Jon (Mike played hooky) are joined by a group of pastors and a professor to talk pandemic, pastoring, parenting, people and politics. Joining us as special guests are Pastor Tommy Shelton from Live Oaks Bible Church in Tampa Florida, Pastor Marv Nelson from Indiana Alliance Church in Indiana, PA, and Pastor Bill Balbach from Impact Church in Moon, PA.
For our political discussion we are joined by special guest Dr. Tom Copeland.
Dr. Tom Copeland is a Professor of Politics at Colorado Christian University and the Director of Research at the Centennial Institute, CCU’s in-house think tank. He previously taught at Biola University and Geneva College. He also worked in Washington, DC in government, think tanks, and the private sector.
He has written or edited several books, and his articles have appeared recently in places like USA Today, Townhall, and Politico.
Tom is married to Ava and has two children. He resides in Littleton, Colorado.
The podcast features discussion about
election coverage, political salvation, Roman Empire, Macarena, tax collectors, zealots, Aaron Burr, Florida heat, masks, MAGA-RENA, petting zoo, kissing, church metrics, heckling the preacher, political taco, Covid crazy, isolation, Baby Yoda, mental health, 49% country, Die Hard, third parties, “Keep things the same”, teen Trump fans, Run DMC, the media, Christian institutions, local politics, Bill & Ted, Mel Gibson, Stryper, Godzilla, 3% of millennials, Family Ties and living as exiles in America.
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Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Episode 23 "Lost in America: Part #2"
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
EPISODE 23 Arrives! The boys are back to bring some great conversation to your eardrums.
Three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more!
Welcome to Post Christian Pastors! On this episode we continue our series entitled "Lost in America" in which we will be looking at current cultural issues in the United States. There is so much happening all at once from the pandemic, politics, racial upheaval, election, cancel culture and a slipping of our country further into secularization. In this second episode the guys continue to discuss RACE and RACIAL issues in America with a very special guest.
We are joined by one of the leading Christian voices in America on racial issues, Rev. Efrem Smith. Efrem is a national and international speaker, teacher and author.
Efrem was the founding pastor of The Sanctuary Covenant Church, a multi-ethnic church in Minneapolis, MN, He also co-founded and was President of The Sanctuary Community Development Corporation. He also served as the President and CEO of World Impact, an urban missions organization committed to empowering urban leaders and planting churches in under-resourced communities. Currently, Efrem is the Co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church Midtown, a thriving and multi-ethnic community in Sacramento, California.
As an internationally recognized preacher, he has spoken for organizations and events such as Athletes in Action, Campus Crusade for Christ, Youth Specialties, Compassion International, the Urban Youth Workers Institute, and Thrive. He is the author of Raising Up Young Heroes, The Hip Hop Church, Jump, The Post-Black and Post-White Church, and Killing Us Softly and has been featured in Christianity Today and Outreach magazine.
Efrem is married to Donecia and has two daughters, Jaeda and Mireya and he is a huge comic book fan.
The podcast features discussion about the presidential debate, NFL, the upside down, The Office, BLM, George Floyd, woman at the well, white evangelicals, Bryan Steverson, Michael Scott, multi-ethnic church, race construct, Kingdom of God, shame, Biblical justice, institutional sin, souls and systems, restoration, wealth, civil rights movement, hip hop culture, whiteness, dominant culture, privilege, MCU, Brenda Slater-Mcneil, catalytic moments, the KKK and much more.
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Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Episode 22 "Lost in America: Part #1"
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
EPISODE 22 DROPS! The boys are back to bring some great conversation to your eardrums.
Three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more!
Welcome to Post Christian Pastors! On this episode the guys begin a series of episodes entitled "Lost in America" in which they will be looking at current cultural issues and happenings in the United States. There is so much happening all at once from the pandemic, politics, racial upheaval, election, cancel culture and a slipping of our country further into secularization. In this first issue the guys take a look at RACE and RACIAL issues. This will be a multi-episode topic so they begin to scratch the surface this week. By no means do this episode begin to say all there is to say.
We welcome a guest to the podcast for this episode, Ryan Blackwell. Ryan is the Global Head Of Revenue Operations & Sales Enablement at a large company. A board member and part of the Axiom Talent Group. He is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science - BS, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services. He is also part of Georgetown University Strategic Management. Husband and father of two daughters and most importantly he has met “DARRELL” from The Office. He is also African-American.
The podcast features discussion about directionally challenged people, race, BLM, everyone an authority, confusion, nuance, sin, Cleveland Browns, Pittsburghers, role models, the standard is the standard, Akron, middle school, Uncle Tom, soccer mullet, Ben Carson, outliers, success, privilege, lone black man, Bruce Willis, cops, one generation away, platform, extremists, young white males, advocates, the gospel, become comfortable being uncomfortable, Dr. John Perkins and reconciliation.
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Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Episode 21 "Pick Your Pandemic Topic"
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
EPISODE 21 DROPS! The boys are back to bring some great conversation to your eardrums.
Three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more!
Welcome to Post Christian Pastors! On this episode the guys decide to play a little PICK YOUR TOPIC. Each of them chooses a fun thing they learned or enjoyed during the last six months to talk about. It gets interesting fast! You won't believe what Mike chooses. In the second half it gets relevant when each pick a cultural moment topic to discuss and hopefully process thru a Christian mindset. So this episode is all over the map when it comes to funny and serious things all revolving around the Pandemic. You don't want to miss it. Give you a hint it includes goats. Yep! Goats.
The podcast features discussion about Food trucks, Preacher Sneakers, Goatscaping, Goat Yoga, Coors Banquet, Cobra Kai, Explosive Emotions, Creative Energy, Fight or Flight, Rebooting Church, Masks or no Masks, Andy Reid, Darth Vader, Sacrificing to Idols, Romans 1, Find Your Truth, The Enlightenment, Utopia, The Answer, Jesus the Wizard, Jesus the Reconciler, Shalom, Joy to the World, Saved For and Going Deep.
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Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Episode 20 "Those Covid Blues"
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
EPISODE 20 is FINALLY HERE! The boys are back after a 3 year hiatus! THE PODCAST IS REBORN!
Three pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, pop culture, politics, ministry, food, entertainment, theology and much more!
Welcome to Post Christian Pastors! On this welcome back episode the guys have GOT THE COVID! Well they don't have it but they will be talking all things COVID. They take a look at how the church and Christians are responding in the middle of the pandemic. What should the church do? What is a proper response? And are we all getting "played"?
The podcast features discussion about stress, comparison amongst churches, Pandemic memories, John MacArthur, Covid hair, "stealing" toilet paper, Karate Kid, church shutdowns, CDC, Jesus and of course Tiger King!
The guys close out the episode by playing a little game of "Would You Rather: Pandemic Version"
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*There was a problem with Mike's Mic towards the end of the podcast, we apologize for the audio volume. We think Mike turned it off!!!!