
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Episode #11 "Eat, Pray, New Orleans"
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Thursday Jun 16, 2016
Episode #11 is Live! Just four pastors discussing and debating faith, relationships, politics, food, entertainment, ministry, theology, pop culture and much, much more!

Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Episode #10 "Be My Neighbor"
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
The guys celebrate Episode #10! Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.

Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Episode #9 "The Next Generation"
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
The Boys return for Episode #9 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.
This week we take a look at "The Next Generation" as we discuss teenagers, kids and young adults and how the world they are growing up in is so much different than the generations before. This show is one everyone can relate to and especially those with kids, teens or work with them.
The guys welcome author, 25 year youth pastor and speaker Brock Morgan. Brock is regarded as one of the top youth ministry speakers and writers in the country. His book Youth Ministry in a Post Christian World is a must read for anyone who has teens or works with them. Brock leads a new ministry in Washington D.C. called Generation514 and a new national youth conference called The Amazing Next. Also, Travis Deans joins us. Travis is a regional director for The National Network of Youth Ministries and his work in the Pittsburgh area brings together hundreds of youth pastors and thousands of students. He is in the trenches with kids every day.
This episode includes talk on youth ministry, facial and armpit hair, teens, tacos, awkward ministry moments, media, waiting on God, transcendence, poop, deep theology, west coast vs. east coast, pastoring at home, Bon Jovi and much, much more.
Come and listen!

Wednesday May 25, 2016
Episode #8 "Grief is Life"
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Back again! Episode #8 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.
This week our theme is "Grief is Life" as we discuss the side of life nobody wants which is grief, suffering, loss and tragedy. It is a follow up to episode #7 "Comedy is Life".
The guys welcome author and spiritual director Beth Slevcove. Beth has written a beautiful and meaningful book Broken Hallelujahs: Learning to Grieve the Big and Small Losses of lIfe. In the book she documents the process of grief she went through during the untimely death of her brother. Beth also looks at the "beauty and the brokenness" in all areas of life including marriage, friendships and faith. This is an honest discussion about pain, grief, faith and loss and how we find Jesus in it all. Yes there is some humor too!
This episode includes talk on marriage, running with the bulls, profanity, Shiva, C.S. Lewis, surfing, a Benedictine monastery, take a pill theology, laments, tattoos and pleasure. Come and listen!

Friday May 20, 2016
Episode #7 "Comedy is Life"
Friday May 20, 2016
Friday May 20, 2016
Here we GOOOOO! Episode #7 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.
This week our theme is "Comedy is Life" as we discuss comedy and humor. The guys welcome nationally known stand up comedian/actor Aaron Kleiber. Aaron has headlined at comedy clubs all over America and has performed with some of the biggest names in comedy. He has also had roles in feature films and commercials. His unique story of moving from full time ministry to full time comedian is very interesting and honest. He is a Christian but not a Christian comedian and he shares what that means to him. If you enjoy a good laugh and some straight talk you will enjoy Aaron's thoughts on his life, faith and career.
**The episode does begin with a brief segment (approx 12 min) dealing with Transgenderism and the federal mandate to public schools about bathrooms and showers. It is a follow up and further commentary on Episode 5.
This episode includes talk of youth ministry, zombies, Steve-O, Chattanooga, drunk hecklers, kids, PG-rated mens retreats, fake pastors, brokenness, In Living Color, Jesus' humor, The Breakfast Club, paying the bills and Sweet Chin Music and more. Where else you gonna find that?

Wednesday May 04, 2016
Episode #6 "Hurting the Poor"
Wednesday May 04, 2016
Wednesday May 04, 2016
Here we GOOOOO! Episode #6 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.
This week our theme is "Hurting the Poor" as we discuss whether the ways we currently help the global poor is actually hurting them. The guys welcome Mark Weber from the award winning documentary Poverty,Inc. which tackles this issue and asks the question who really profits from helping the poor. Also Chris Pfeiffer from Espwa joins us to talk about their work on the ground in Haiti and how they strive for the good of the poor.
This episode includes talk of eggs, Bono, orphans, economics, Toms Shoes, Haiti, forgein aid, justice, peanut butter, Godzilla, Justin Beiber and Beyonce. Where else you gonna find that?
Plus much more!

Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Episode #5 "Bathrooms, Boycotts and Gender"
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Thursday Apr 28, 2016
Are you Ready! Episode #5 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.

Friday Apr 22, 2016
Episode #4 "Pastors Gone Rogue"
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Here we go! Episode #4 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Episode #3 "Culture Club"
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
The boys are back for episode #3 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Episode #2 "Versus"
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Mark, Mike, Marv and Jon are back for episode #2 of POST CHRISTIAN PASTORS. Four Pastors discussing and debating Faith, Relationships, Politics, Theology, Pop Culture and much, much more.